Frequently Asked Questions


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound found in the resinous flower of cannabis. A safe, non-addictive substance, CBD is one of more than a hundred “phytocannabinoids,” which are unique to cannabis and endow the plant with its robust therapeutic profile.
CBD is closely related to another important medicinally active  phytocannabinoid:
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), But unlike THC, CBD does not make a person feel “High”.
That’s because CBD and THC act in different ways on different receptors in the brain and body.
CBD is used in health supplements due to its wellness properties to help improve and regulate the body’s ECS (Endocannabinoid System). There is a wide range of benefits CBD products have to offer, including an improved mental state, a decrease in minor discomfort, a boost in immune system health, and improved overall health.
The fact that CBD is therapeutically potent as well as non-intoxicating, and easy to take as a CBD oil, makes it an appealing treatment option for those who are cautious about trying cannabis for the first time.


What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is what you get when you take cannabinoid from cannabis and mix them with a carrier oil, like MCT oil, hemp seed oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, and avocado oil. When you purchase CBD oil it won’t contain exclusively CBD, it will also contain other ingredients for a more pleasant experience. Check the CBD milligram amount on the bottle to
determine the potency of the CBD oil.


Is CBD safe?

The answer is Yes! Aside from the long list of medical applications and conditions CBD can help treat, another reason CBD has proven to be so powerful in the medical arena is that is very safe.


How does CBD works?

The main benefits CBD confers to humans ( and many other creatures, too) is as an aanti-inflammatory agent. CBD acts to reduce or prevent inflammation in both the brain and body, and this simple action can have huge impacts on your health.
CBD works in our bodies through the endocannabinoid system, a master regulatory mechanism for the entire body. The ECS contains cannabinoid receptors that interact with CBD to stimulate and boost the ECS. The ECS is responsible for regulating a wide range offunctions throughout the body, including appetite, sleep, mood, nerve function, muscle recovery, immune system response, and brain function. CBD works with the ECS to help regulate these functions and create a sense of homeostasis, meaning balance and regularity in the body.


What is Endocannabinoid System?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS), is extremely important and responsible for two basic activities. The first is to modulate pleasure, energy, and well-being. The second is to slowly nudge the body back to health in the face of injury and disease.
The primary function of the endocannabinoid system is to maintain the body’s state of homeostasis, which is the balance and stability of the human body’s internal processes that may be affected by the environment.
The ECS is present and in use in all vertebrates, including mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, and amphibians. The ECS is one of the most versatile and widespread signaling systems in the body.
ECS plays role in regulating a range of functions and processes, including:


        • appetite and digestion
        • metabolism
        • chronic pain
        • inflammation and other immune system responses
        • mood
        • learning and memory
        • motor control
        • sleep
        • cardiovascular system function
        • muscle formation
        • bone remodeling and growth
        • liver function
        • reproductive system function
        • stressskin and nerve function

What benefits does CBD have to offer?

CBD has the ability to provide many health benefits, although it is important to note that CBD may affect people differently. When CBD enters the body, it works with the body’s endocannabinoid system to support various functions throughout the body. Some of the main benefits of CBD include:


      • Improve the course of basic physiological processes of the human body, such as appetite, thirst, movement, memory, sleep or pain sensation.
      • Have a positive effect on improving the overall mental and physical condition.
      • Support the body’s natural immunity.
      • Have a relaxing effect, make it easier to fall asleep and reduce stress.
      • Sobering up and clearing the mind, improving memory and well-being.
      • Relieve pain, soothe and eliminate pain throughout the body.
      • Bactericidal and prevent the development of fungal diseases.
      • Soothe and eliminate allergy symptoms. Improve metabolism.
      • Have a dermatological effect, accelerate wound healing, fight skin diseases and rejuvenate the epidermis.
      • Have an anti-inflammatory effect, fight inflammation, and prevent inflammation.
      • Help to fight addictions, reduce the negative effects of withdrawal

Does CBD get you High?

The answer is No. One of the most highly touted benefits of CBD is the fact that it won’t get you high. CBD oil typically contains no more than 0.3 percent THC, the chemical that causes the high effect. This amount of THC isn’t enough to cause any intoxicating effects.
CBD also counteracts any effects that may occur from the small amount of THC in the CBD product. There are some CBD oils that contain no THC for those who are concerned about the THC.


How to dose CBD Oil?

Figuring out the right individual dose of CBD will be a process, one you need to be actively engaged in and monitor closely to make the most out of these therapeutic compounds.
There is some different factors that play an important in the choosing the CBD serving size:


      • medical condition or problem
      • the condition’s stage or intensity
      • the biology and metabolism and how you respond to CBD
      • your body weight
      • Your sensitivity to cannabis

Start low and go slow


Start low means, not surprisingly, start with a low dose. This could be as little as 10milligrams per day to start. When you are starting out, it’s good idea to divide the dose and take it two or three times daily.

Go slow means give yourself time to assess your body’s reaction to particular dose. Stick with a specific dose for at least a few days and up to a week before upping the amount, and even then, do so incrementally.

Increasing your dose incrementally will make is easier to find that range where you can experience therapeutic effects at the lowest possible dose.

There is a three dose ranges combined with the body weight:

  1. Micro doses are considered a low level, in the range of 0,01mg to 0,1mg CBD /LB per day. Micro doses can be effective for headache, mood disorders, nausea, PTSD, stress and metabolic disorders.
  2. Standard dose are the mid-range, between 0,15mg to 0,5mg of CBD/LB per day. Standard dose are effective for pain, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, Lyme disease, anxiety, depression, arthritis, some mental disorders, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, autism and weight loss
  3. Macro dose are at the high range, between 0,75mg and 5mg of CBD/LB per day. Doses at this level are often used to treat cancer, epilepsy, seizure disorders, liver disease and other life-threatening conditions.

Are there any side effects?

The vast majority of people can take CBD without any negative effects at all but some people may experience adverse side effects like change in appetite, drowsiness, dry mouth, and diarrhea. If you experience any undesirable side effects, cut back on the amount you take or stop taking CBD altogether.

Will CBD oil can have interaction with medication?

If you want to start taking CBD but you are also taking other prescription medications, you should be aware that there is a chance for drug interaction. Since this is the case, we recommend those who are taking medication to consult with their doctor before adding CBD oil to their daily routine.

Drug interaction are especially important to consider when using life- saving or sense- saving drugs, drugs with narrow therapeutic window, or medication with major adverse side effects.

Can someone can be allergic to CBD?

CBD is the Cannabidiol from the hemp plant. Like any other plant, some people may develop an allergy to it. The hemp plant is similar to the ambrosia plant. Its grains spread easily, which makes them even more irritating. However allergies to CBD are rare.

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes are the natural oils that give cannabis, and any other herbs, fruits and plants, their aroma, color, and flavor.

Terpenes are oil secreted by the glandular hairs founded most densely on the floral leaves and flowers of female plants. Their flavor and smell identify the particular strain along with their known health effects.

Terpenes also produce a wide range of medical effects and that is exactly what’s so captivating about them in the first place. There are at least 80-100 terpenes unique to the cannabis plant and the combination of these chemicals and cannabinoid is responsible for the entire success of the cannabis plant as we know it.

What CBD can do for Your Pets?

CBD can be useful for your pets, for the same reason it’s useful for you, because all mammals have an endocannabinoid system. There are CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the bodies of your dogs and cats, ready to make use of therapeutic benefits of CBD.


How much CBD should I give my pet?

Your pets are much smaller than an adult human (or even a child) and require much smaller doses than human do.

Start with the low end dose and see how your pet react over the next week. If there is a noticeable improvement, you can keep the dose here. If you don’t see improvement, or if the improvement tapers off after some time move up to mid-range dose and observe for a week.

Low-End Dose: 0.05mg/pound, twice daily Mid-Range Dose: 0.125mg/pound, twice daily High- End Dose: 0.25mg/pound, twice daily


What Can CBD treat for Pets?

CBD’s main benefits for your pet are:

      • Anti-anxiety
      • Anti-inflammation
      • Pain relief
      • Anti nausea
      • Anti epileptic
      • Anti cancer
      • Neuroprotectant

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